II. Problems feeding your puffer?

Not sure how often to feed?

While problems with “picky puffers” often arise from the fish’s reluctance to eat dead foods, a lack of patience on the part of the aquarist may also be at fault.

Most puffers will readily accept live food whether it is bloodworms, an earthworm, snails or shrimp. The movement of the live food is too much of a temptation for the puffer to ignore. This movement is the key to adapting puffers to readily accept dead foods in their diet. Continue reading II. Problems feeding your puffer?

I. Feeding Your Puffers

When it comes to feeding puffers there is no excuse to feed them a poor diet. For many puffers their meal can and does consists primarily of shellfish, crustaceans and hard shelled foods such as snails. This is the basic requirement in feeding puffers as their teeth need to be constantly worn down to prevent overgrowth. If you provide a source of ‘shell on food’ then the need to intervene with dentistry is greatly reduced. Some puffers more than others rely more on ‘hard’ foods for teeth wear than others. In my experience it seems to be the ‘hunters’ that benefit from this diet more so than the ‘lurkers’, although with puffers there is always at least one exception. Continue reading I. Feeding Your Puffers

X. Three Suvatti and a Palembang

A Good Relationship?

suvatti01.jpgIt’s been seven months now for my three T. suvattii and one T. palembangensis who share the same tank. They have all attained a similar size of approximately 5″. They are all fed the same diet twice a week, which consists mainly of mussel, cockle, prawns, shell on king prawns, krill and snails. Each one is fed as individually as I can manage to ensure they all get their fair share, which is important as they are only fed twice a week. Continue reading X. Three Suvatti and a Palembang

IV. Basic Snail Breeding

This is just a short description of what works for me when it comes to breeding snails. At the moment I breed common pond and more so Ramshorn snails. The Ramshorn is on the left.

Two snails

I have two tanks that breed them. One is set up much the same way as RTR describes in his article Snail Breeding, while the other is set up in a very basic way, as described below. I find it’s enough to provide for 28 puffers with plenty to spare! Continue reading IV. Basic Snail Breeding

III. Fishless Cycling

How to prepare a tank for fish without using livestock

Fishless cycling, as the name suggests, is the method of cycling a tank without using fish. Since we are not using fish, it is the most humane way to cycle a tank. Toxic ammonia and nitrite go unmetabolized during the start of any cycle, causing damage to livestock. The ammonia burns the fish’s gills, eyes, fins, skin, etc, while nitrites decrease oxygen levels in the fish’s blood, causing the fish to suffocate. Continue reading III. Fishless Cycling