F8 with plecos/whiptail catfish?

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F8 with plecos/whiptail catfish?

Post by AKFLY »

I have 1 f8 in a 20 gallon long, I was thinking of putting either a bristlenose pleco(Ancistrus sp) or a red lizard whiptail catfish(Rineloricaria sp). The salinity is around 1.004-1.006 sg.
I heard that plecos and/or whiptail catfish can live in low-end brackish water, is this true? If so then can either of these fish live in this salinity?
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Re: F8 with plecos/whiptail catfish?

Post by Pufferpunk »

F8s need brackish water. Plecos & whiptail cats are softwater fish--the total opposite.
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