Dogface Puffer .... Constipated

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Dogface Puffer .... Constipated

Post by otown78 »

I have a Dogface newer about Month, unfortunately the lfs i got him from was feeding Krill and only krill.. So when i got him home thats all he eats. I have tried 6 different types of meats and he will not eat them.. To keep him from starving i have fed him Krill... NOW,,,, i noticed hes just laying on the power head, he will swim out and i see he has poop looks to be half way out, he does excrete some as hes swimming so i THINK he starting to clear it out. Hes has not eaten for 2 day... Any ideas would be appreciated, also if he pulls through, thoughts on how i can get him to eat anything other then krill?

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Re: Dogface Puffer .... Constipated

Post by Pufferpunk »

Fast him as long as it takes to get him to eat something else. Try live crabs. For constipation, treat the tank with Epsom salt at 1 tbsp/5g.
You are getting sleepy... you only hear the sound of my voice... you must do water changes... water changes... water changes... water changes...

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