Snails and Clams

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Puffer Fry
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Snails and Clams

Post by Bayheadbuilders »

Hello, I am going to try these snails for my puffers, any feedback or has anyone tried his

I found them on Craigslist North Jersey

Thanks in advance
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Queen Admin
Posts: 32844
Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 11:06 am
Gender: Female
My Puffers: Puffers I have kept:
T lineatus
T miurus
A modestus
T biocellatus
C valentini
C coranata
C papuan
C lorteti
T niphobles
Location (country): USA, Greenville, SC
Location: Greenville, SC

Re: Snails and Clams

Post by Pufferpunk »

Looks good, what species of puffer?
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