Abnormal Puffer Behavior

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Puffer Fry
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Abnormal Puffer Behavior

Post by DiverR88 »

Hello everyone.
I have a Dog faced puffer. He is about 5" now. We have had him for 3 months. He has been wonderful. Yesterday he seemed to get the zoomies which is normal at feeding time. He has been eating well 3x a day. Today he only ate a little and is curled up as if he is stressed and when he swims he keeps rolling to one side. I'm very worried as nothing in the tank has changed. WP : pH 8.1, Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, SG 33 : 1.024, temp 77. Tank is a 75 gal, just to grow him up before he goes into a display tank with larger fish. He only has 3 tank mates (all have been with him the whole time no additions) 2 female lyretails and a female spotbreast angel. They all get along very well. Any advice would be most helpful! Thank you
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 11:06 am
Gender: Female
My Puffers: Filbert, the 12" T lineatus
Punkster, the 4" red T miurus
Mongo, the 4" A modestus
2 T biocellatus
C valentini
C coranata
C papuan
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T niphobles
Location (country): USA, Greenville, SC
Location: Chicago

Re: Abnormal Puffer Behavior

Post by Pufferpunk »

Maybe overfeeding? Too full to swim?
You are getting sleepy... you only hear the sound of my voice... you must do water changes... water changes... water changes... water changes...

"The solution to pollution is dilution!"
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